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Great and adorable pattern for a preemie blanket. Can’t wait to try to make this!


I feel like I’m kinda jumping all around right now with blogging, but this post has been waiting a while. And I absolutely love the whole quilt block inspired knitted preemie blankets I’m working on! So, here it is:

One of my absolute things to make is baby blankets! Seriously, I am excited just thinking about making one!! Whether it’s knitted, crocheted, quilted, you name it and it’s right up my alley.

I figured it would be fun to make up some preemie sized blankets for a few reasons. 1- Why not?? 2- Little babies need blankets too!! 3- You can always put smaller squares together to make a bigger blanket (lots of options here). 4- Who doesn’t love a quick & easy project sometimes that would totally benefit someone else??

Combining the look of basic quilt blocks with knitting just seemed so awesome, and thus the idea for these…

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